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Can You Really "Find" Your Passion at Any Age?

Way back when I was a teenager, I loved the sport of barefoot water skiing.

One day, I turned to cross the wake and crashed into the water.

When I climbed into the boat, I had become deaf.

That moment changed the course of my life. I grew up hard of hearing and being ashamed of having hearing loss. It was no fun missing out on group conversations and constantly asking people to repeat themselves. After becoming deaf, I hit a dark time in my life.

I woke up one morning and made a simple decision: I was going to embrace the journey of being deaf. That decision led me through a whole new world; one where people used sign language. I met my husband (who is also deaf) and I ended up passing a gene to my children and they too, became deaf.

Fast forward to midlife

My husband forwarded me a link to a Today Show segment featuring Judy Myers, a 66-year-old woman who learned to barefoot water ski at the age of 53.

I quickly did the math — I was only 44. If this gal could do it in her 50s...

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The Best Books for Living a Great Life

"How do I live my best life?"

"How do I live with passion?"

This two are questions that I'm often asked by life coaching clients. I usually recommend a book or two during coaching sessions. I have shelves and shelves of books on the topics of passion, self-growth, and a variety of other "life improvement" topics. 


Here they are for you: 

Of course, I'm going to recommend the #1 book on passion. I may be a tad biased because I wrote it:

Unwrapping Your Passion, Creating the Life You Truly Want


Aspire by Kevin Hall

I met Kevin Hall on FaceBook many years ago when he commented on a barefooting photo. Kevin sent me a box of his books and I gave all of them away but one. Aspire is based on 11 words to live your life by. 


The Passion Test by Janet and Chris Attwood

My friend, Stephen Hopson recommended The Passion Test. I read the book in four hours while soaking in the bathtub. I was mesmerized by the test and surprised at my top five...

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