Anne Valle
Author of "Shadows of Deception"

What readers are saying...

“Easy fast read. A fiction with twists and turns.”
Diane Engberg

"OMG. The ending, whoa!”
Julie Rood

"It's incredible. The end shocked me.”
Raysllane Lima

"I enjoyed this book. Kept me in suspense. I hope to read more books by this talented author Anne Valle!”
Deb Mussallem

“This book is a page turner! I couldn't put it down. Definitely worth reading. Looking forward to the next one."
Lori Krakora

"Shadows of Deception by Anne Valle had a far more complex ending of a high school friendship between Shannon and Tony. After many years of being absent of each others lives to an ending that was not expected.
A GOOD read!"
Susan C. Mcleod
Connect with Anne Valle
Email: [email protected]